The information on this page is a collection covering a range of different PDF’s and links around chemistry I have been involved in over the years. Some has been included for personal reasons (such as my PhD thesis) and some for more general interest reasons (such as the work in progress of the Wine Chemical Dictionary). The author takes no responsibility for the correctness or validity of any information in any of the documents and you use them very much at your own risk. However hopefully some people will find something useful in them.
My most recent presentations and articles can be found at the Australian Wine Research Institutes website or the Interwinery Analysis Groups website along with heaps of other really great stuff from the world of wine science.
Copyright remains very much the property of the owner and none of the documents may be reproduced without permission.
Wine Chemical Dictionary
This is a sample of what is becoming a very large document (originally created for my own benefit) which is meant to act as a quick reference primer for species that come up in the wine research publications and sales literature. Eventually the full version may be available as a printed version or an online database.
Chemistry For Wimps
This was put together in the early 90’s as a collation of lectures I did for TAFE and mature age students. It has not been proof read, corrected or even read for around 12 years, but it may be useful for someone first getting into chemistry.
The Coordination Chemistry of Some Polyamines and Polyamino Acids
This is my PhD thesis and I would guess holds interest for just about no one. However I put a lot of work into it back in the 90’s and as such decided to chuck it on the web as opposed to letting it moulder on the 4 bookshelves that I know it resides on. Not sure if electronic documents garner electronic mould? Definitely very dry stuff.
(Abstract, Chpt1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Publications)
A selection of presentations I have given at various conferences.
-Lean Labs (2009)
-Preparing Your Lab For Vintage (2008)
-Enzymatic Testing in the winery (2007)
-Cold Stability in Wine 2006)
-Surviving Baume, Brix and Vintage (2005)
-Lab Design (2004)